Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

Today I am Grateful for:

Spirituality. I'm so glad that I found my Spirituality before I died. I had no idea how important it is in my life. I was one of those people that said that they didn't believe in God as I was looking over my shoulder. I had no idea what I was talking about and I had no idea what kind of power it adds to your life.

My life was running out of control. I worshiped chemicals that I put into my body. I didn't realize that I had a Spirit inside of me that needed to be fed and taken care of like my body was needing as well as my mind. I always thought of myself as me as one thing. I never knew to break it down into 3 parts; body, mind and soul. I heard of it, but I never put it into practice.

I am so Grateful that I didn't try to resist AA when I was entering rehab. I was at the jumping off point, there was no where else to go, other than committing suicide, which really wasn't an option I wanted, but I didn't want to continue the way I was going. I talked a lot about it, but I never went through with it. I'm not sure if I would have gone through with it, but I am glad I am moving as far away from that thinking as possible.

Today I am a very strong believer in the books by Neale Donald Walsch called Conversations with God. The audio books are even better. God is performed by Ed Asner and Ellen Burstyn, they are the voices of my God for the rest of my life. Through these conversations I am learning so much about my spirituality, as I personally believe these books to be the word of God. (I believe God comes to us often through authors/books, A Course In Miracles is another.) I am learning to love myself and others equally, because in the big picture, we are all one big soul, not separate, not different than anyone else.

I have to thank Scott for mentioning to me last year that I should read Conversations with God. I had no idea my life's outlook and views would change. My Spirituality has been enriched and has helped me in my sobriety as well as my continued quest of "Why am I here?"


  1. I'm glad you are writing again.
    I like the thought that "I had no idea what I was talking about."
    That's me. Then. And now.

  2. As usual, thanks for the wonderful gratitude. I've also enjoyed "The Spirituality of Imperfection" and would highly recommend it. Take care.

  3. Beautiful read - I JUST got a library card, I 'll put those books on my list

  4. Thanks for sharing the reference. I would like to listen to that. My spirituality has greatly grown over time.
