Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010

Today I am Grateful for:

Unbelievable Weather. This weekend was meant to be spent outdoors. I like it warm, but I can really appreciate the spring in Houston.

Getting Un-hacked. I was working on my studio website yesterday and my site was hacked in front of my eyes by a so called "Turkish Muslim Group of Hackers". The funny part was I changed my password to my host to a very strong, safe password only to be hacked anyway. I'm grateful they were able to return it back to normal in less than 8 hours. I guess I better look into backing up my site. :)

Being Sober. I see everyday as a miracle.

A New Day. Everyday is like a chapter in a new book. Sometimes it's an easy read, sometimes, not so much. But I still manage to get through every chapter and look forward to the next.


  1. Someday, I want to read your Table of Contents.

  2. I like your analogy. I was in a similar place this morning of being so grateful to hear the rain, smell the coffee, feel the warmth of the fireplace and know my kid is fast asleep in his bed. Even though he is 22, mom still sleeps better when he is home safe.


  3. Can identify with getting un-hacked, as I struggle with my own computer today. Also, love the reference to each day as a new chapter in a book. Have a gone one!

  4. Great photo to go with the good weather. I am thinking that spring has sprung here as well.
